I installed everything new without Download Assistant and now Dorico 5 Pro can't find Halion 7

My iMac (2019, osx 15.3) is very slow and Dorico 5 Pro was opening extremly slow . So I deleted everything in all libraries: UR44, Yamaha, eLicenser, cubase, syncrosoft, VST 1-3, steinberg files…

I installed the Download Assistent for the 20th time in 4 years - and it still does not work. So I deleted everything again.

The first two times I installed dorico 5 Pro and Halion 7 (930MB-Version) with Activation Manager, Library, Media Bay - Dorico said “No License detected” - atlthough activation manager says “Dorico activated, Halion 7 activated”

So I deleted everything and installed everything for a third time - and now Dorico 5 can’t even find Halion 7 at all. (Activation Manager is “activated”)

Dorico Bleep as only Playback option is quite annoying…

Hi. Just to make sure we’re not missing the obvious, you’re talking about HALion 7 or HALion Sonic 7? Those are two different instruments (the first one is a complete sampler synth with granular, wavetable, etc. synthetic audio creation, while the Sonic version is simply an instrument that will reproduce some other instruments…) You can select in the preferences whether you want HALion or HALion sonic to be loaded as default. It’s important to mention that HALion is not bundled with Dorico (and would be of limited use in that notation software) while HALion Sonic is.
I’m asking this, because you only talk about HALion 7, which is really another Steinberg product with its own authorization (I know it because I bought it. And almost never used it inside Dorico.)


HALion 7.1.20 · Application Installer · 931 MB
link: HALion 7 updates and downloads | Steinberg

Ok. I will try Halion SONIC 7…

(and delete the other one, my 6 year old iMac was the “flaggship” from Apple (with hardrive and ssd, but it’s slower than my 13 old laptop with only ssd)

I installed Halion sonic 7 - licences are OK. I use Dorico since 3.5. Now Dorico 5 Pro - but I’m too stupid. Do you have a link for a video how to choose accoustic-piano for a simple leadsheet - melodie and chords (A7, Co7 and so on) that’s all I need. There are no presets or instruments when I click on the “e” button - nor in the standalone app. I’m tired of looking videos on Youtube, where everthing works fine - this is very complicated…

On the left side of the HALion Sonic window are the 16 sound slots. Select the first one and inside of the selection rectangle is a folder icon. Click on that and a preset browser opens. Scroll pretty much to the end of the list and look for the 'Yamaha S90 Piano '. Double click on it and it will get loaded.

If you have set a piano instrument in Setup mode, using Play mode>Play menu >Apply play-back template and choosing the Halion Sonic factory play-back template should set a Halion Sonic 7 instance with the Yamaha S90 piano loaded and routed correctly. There really shouldn’t have to be more than that.

there are no instruments in Halion sonic 7 when I open it up in dorico or in the standalone app - in all my leadsheets I have “vocal” and “trumpet” (because I play Guitar in D-Standard) and I just bought “4knob popD” Piano for 69 Euros and asked Steinberg to send me an link to download it without the Download asistent which does not work since many years on osx. (Steinberg support couldnt make it run last year with teamviewer)
And if it works - perfect. If not: Dorico Bleep. And on my computer are still old versions from finale, sibelius and musescore. I give up… I Like dorico it has the best programm for lyrics - but I do not understand the halion 7 app - it’s overwhelming. Nothing is loading when I click on folders…

Hi @ausserirdischer , I’ve sent you a private message via this forum, please check.

Sry, ich habe eine andere email beim versenden - meine antwort email ist abgelehnt worden:
Ja, das wäre dann ca. 21 Uhr? Oder 21:15? Geht das hier über das Forum?

Wobei ich glaube, der Dreh und Angelpunkt ist der Download Assistent - der bei mir eben nicht geht. Ich habe jetzt LoFi Piano (free) downgeloadet - und erstmals sehe ich Instrumente bei halion 7. da fehlt zwar die Lizenz vom Activation Manager - weil kein Downlopad Assistent - aber immerhin : )

ja, Forum ist ok. Was halt besser geht

ich habe eine einladung via facetime und sms versendet

SMS ist noch nicht gekommenen
Ich fahre jetzt meinen iMac hoch.
Dauert ein bisschen…

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