I just reset the "port system" names. huge regret can you help me recover?

thank you. I have a universal audio thunderbolt devise. I have 3 of them in my latest configuration I can be specific if it is important. I was getting confused because a long time ago I made custom names in the “show as” row on the Nuendo 13 studio setup page. I thought resetting the names to the factory defaults would help me navigate all the in’s and outs so I reset and now I pray for forgiveness.
I now have “port system name” as “universal audio thunderbolt 1 thru 64” and the “show as” is the same. on top of this Nuendo is now dead for playback or monitoring anything. It turns out reset resets more than just the names. can you help me recover? thank you.
and one quick editorial if you don’t mind. I find the ua console, settings, I/o matrix page to be the most confusing page in all of digital audio. does anyone else agree? thank you very much, this community has bailed me out so many times, cheers

update. the playback died because I lost the microphone Icon (privacy/security -microphone). this isn’t the first time. seems like a bug somewhere between my new m4 Mac mini and the os and who knows what else.

massive confusion over here. you would think that I could look at an input channel showing level in the mixer view and determine where it came from but all only says “no source”. why is this and what is preventing me from working backward thru this problem? . thanks