I said that i would come back !! CC121 Controller

It’s not the ‘wrong forum’.

OP had something to say to Cubase 10 users, about using a controller with Cubase 10.
He came here, and said it here, for reasons of his own.

People who want to read it will.
People who have questions about, or want to add to the review will.
I suppose self appointed moderators will continue to say, “Wrong Forum!”.
Otherwise, the post would naturally fade into oblivion and get buried ever deeper in the cue, unless one enters a SEARCH hunting for it.

It is what it is.
OP, please keep on offering your contributions.
Post it where YOU think it should go.
It is what it is.

I did not think that a helpful experience of mine would cause so much fuss.

The CC 121 controller is the boy for Cubase!!!
Like a post further up the list is right by saying, things crossover and have to integrate.
This is the General page and that says to me that anything goes for about explaining experiences with all kinds of Cubase things.
If It were technical and specific then yes, it should go to a Hardware page for the experts.
A lot of us on this forum want to know about general things as it concerns using Cubase 10, hardware and comeradery (camaraderie).
All the best
John :smiley: