I think Flexloop is not working ok

I create a new project, add an audio track and a song track.
Create parts each with it´s trigger and loop set to infinite, enable Flexloop and set it to loop end.

  1. If I select any part to play the part does not stay in loop unless I set the duration to exactly the part lenght. By default it only loops 1 bar.
    Shouldn´t the part loop till the beginning of next part by default?
  2. If the song is playing and I click in a looped part in the song track or in the left setlist panel the playhead does not jump to the selected part and start playing unless I stop playing the part. How can I jump from a playing loop part to another one?

Hi! That used to happen me sometimes. Tűr ing loop/OFF to then back, it makes then the full lenght of the actual PART. That helps me sometimes.

It worked me before. Will get to a computer and will check my setup. :slight_smile:

correct, that sometimes work but it shouldn´t be necessary…

True, but need to see the gain and the huge evolution of VSt Live’s last years. We can be more patient of something needs some polishment yet.

I’m sure developers will do their best to polish FlexLoop range selection too :slight_smile:

Hi @diegoalejo15 ,

put together an example project.

  • All PARTS are set to infinite
  • FlexLoop jump qty is set to 1BAR

Clicking on any PART, chosen PART is started in 1BAR.

Does it work to you?

yes, if I click on the song part it works, if I click in the left setlist part it does not.

Hi @diegoalejo15 ,

checked today. That is working to me, clicking left setlist, they’re played… however there is one scenario where it looks me wrong.

Look, normally switching parts on the left goes as requested:

Meanwhile PART2 then PART5 ends up in continue to PART3:

@musicullum narrowing it, if:
-FlexTrigger == “loop-end”, bug
-FlexTrigger == “1BAR”, works as expected

(again, my test file above is here:

Not sure if I can follow. When setting Loop End, and jump around, it jumps when the loop ends.
may have been fixed elesewhere, pls try again with the next version, thanks.
Btw cannot download, One Drive is not my friend it seems.

Created a ZIP from the project Archive, maybe that will be downloaded immediately
