Currently if the musician is willing to flexloop an [PART-uplifter-2bars + PART-refrain-8bars] can set flexloop-duration to 10bars at the beginning of PART-uplifter. While I think that example is rare, am I ok with this “life example” when to make a flexloop duration longer then its part?
Then VL would automatically “extend” PART-uplifter-lenght to 10bars, while would retime start PART-refrain ff-shifted+8bars, right? But actually PART-refrain’s “In - Out” might get then to wrong place, no?
Probably most musicians would be happy with the simple new pref with
choise between:
A, flexloop-length == PART-lenght (by default)
B, flexloop-lenght is freely adjustable (for advanced usage), and still can click existing “Loop to Part duration” menu element
…and what if merging all in a simple solution:
flexloop-lenght is set to PART-lenght (by default), meanwhile user can change it anytime (as currently can), and if changing PART In-Out times, can manually click dropdown menu element “Loop to Part duration”? Then no pref is needed at all, what do you think about this one?
But only in “PartLoop” mode are trigger times adjusted when loop duration is changed.
It’s quite nice the way it is, there is one problem fixed with the next version that it refuses to let you set a Part trigger time - because the trigger time is always the prvious Part time plus its (loop) duration, so currently the workaround is to change a prior loop duration instead.
We should leave it that way because it a better fit for more loop/Part based approaches as opposed to the “oldschool” linear DAW “thinking”.
Loop snap is set to “Part End” already with the last version as requested.
Whether “Use part Duration for Flex Loops” should be active by default is a difficult question. When introducing new preferences, we like to keep it as it was before when it did not yet exsist, so it’s off now. Maybe there are different opinions.
There were some flaws still with this new mode. The next version (today, we hope) should fix all of these, give it a try and let us know if it works out for you.
It implies that you can set the duration of a Part and thereby shift all other Parts to later (or earlier) trigger times and vice versa - setting a trigger time to a Part will change the duration of the previous Part.
We also enabled “Use Part Duration for Flex Loop” by default.
seems there is still something that is not perfect.
The sandbox project , I sent you before:
First Song / 1st part loop-count is set “2”
But VL keeps looping, while
STOPing transport, set 1st PART loop to off, then back to “2”,
passes then PART1, but stuck at PART2.