I think this FR needs more attention 'Properly Undo First Added Automation Point'

Yes not enough votes,

and they also should merge the votes when they merge the thread - I think @Romantique_Tp is a mod… maybe if we bring to their attention.

It’s a very annoying problem, even 0.5db can make a difference in the mix if you have some kind of OTT process or heavy compression on the master bus - that 0.5db makes a difference, so just putting the fader back to ballpark never feels like you’ve restored your mix.

Sometimes, the only way to get it back - is to save a new version if you’ve caught the mistake in time, and then re-open the previous cpr, or revert to an older one.

Very annoying.

you may also find this annoying if you use automation at all
Automation FR: Preference to resolve automation scaling creating unwanted nodes - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

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