i copy this folder (USERNAME changed to correct one) content to new windows computer if i want move engraving etc settings to new comoputer?
expect preferences.xml when i want set new folder locations for Dorico files etc. or if want keep all expect these folder locations like sound interface settings (becouse i use same interface) and colour settings. detailed help wanted lately this year or next year at least i get new computer.
You only need the files in the Dorico 5
subdirectory, not everything in AppData\Roaming\Steinberg
i meaned it and not mention becouse if there comes Dorico 6 before i get new computer (likely not i try soon i can upgrade becouse Windows 10 Pro supports ends soon). also some programs (maybe even Dorico in complex projects i dont know how much CPU speeds up Dorico in large templates if sameway than some other programs 2.5x faster cpu what is one what i thinked is amazing spedup) this computer is slow.