I will only update to Cubase 14 if one thing is fixed

Scrolling issues on Mac.
Cubase on windows is very smooth, except for the reversed horizontal scroll, but on Mac it’s very inconsistent.
Has this been fixed in version 14 ?


What exactly is inconsistent, please?

Scrolling. In variaudio editor one scroll click moves like 150 lines, in arrange windows one scroll click moves 10 lines. Etc.
And it’s very different between PC and Mac, you can test it yourself by testing it on pc and Mac side by side.


Do you observe it in the VariAudio only? This is somehow weird. There were so many threads about the sensitivity of the scrolling in the VariAudio. For some users, it’s too much sensitive, and later it’s too slow.

It’s bad everywhere in Cubase but the worst in VariAudio.

I’m sure Steinberg test Cubase on Mac computers, but no one from Steinberg actually uses Cubase on a Mac so they don’t know how bad this is in the workflow