Icon V1-M/V1-X

Awesome! I’ll give it a test here soon!

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Testing this weekend.

Thank you so much for your time and passion !


Wonderful, thank you @bjoluc - my P1-M lights up in so many colors and the display is now fully used! Didn’t have to fiddle around too much, will do later, but that is already such an achievement.

Now I guess I have to get used to the few MIDI Remote limitations compared to MCU and start customizing the layout to fit the P1-M better.


A question: are you able to use the unused automation buttons ? I wish I could map one to MCU “shift”, “save” and “undo”

Nope, sadly not. They don’t send MIDI in Cubase mode. I might voice this as a wish and see if we’re lucky.

Can you share a picture of it (PM is also fine, given this is the V1-M thread) so I know which text goes where on the display? Thanks!

If you mean the remote surface displayed in Cubase, no need to do so as I’ll also be adding a P1-M script version with the appropriate layout. If you mean customizing the button functions in iMAP, please share a screenshot of your preferences for me to use as an inspiration for the P1-M script :slightly_smiling_face:

I thought so, it seems hard coded as I toyed around with the config files to no avail… The P1-Nano on the other hand allows you to custom map those buttons. But I’m not sure how much you care about the “shift” button when you are not using MCU mode.

The OLED screen is great but hard to shoot without reflections. I had to close the curtains so the colors do not show properly, but they are working properly (although they update only when you unselect the track).

Actually I could probably share my MIDI Remote json ? I basically (except for MCU functions) assigned MIDI notes to each of the 16 button, on each of the 5 layers, for each of the 3 DAW modes and then use a MIDI remote device to assign Cubase shortcut. I used BOME to merge the 3 MIDI devices, so I had a load of buttons available.

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Joining this thread.

I’ve been looking to replace my current Mackie Control Pro setup (with three extenders). The V1-M/V1-X looks very promising. but I understand that some features like the channel colors and the secondary display are currently not supported by Cubase/Nuendo.

I see that @bjoluc has a script to add this(?) functionality tot the V1-M, right? I have a few questions:

  • Am I correct that this script does indeed allow the secondary display and track colors to work correctly?
  • Does this script have any issues and or / limitations compared to the usual MCO protocol?
  • Does it work with multiple extenders?
  • Is it difficult and/or risky to add this script to your system?
  • Does anybody (at Steinberg @Fredo, of Icon) know if the current limitation will be addressed in future updates?

I would love to see (perhaps in a video) how the script by @bjoluc works in a Nuendo or Cubase setup.

It is Avid who decides what third party developers can do on the side of software/DAW side. And AFAIK, Steinberg makes optimal use of the ICON implementation.


Why is it Avid who decides? Does it own Icon or Steinberg? Isn’t the Mackie Protocol well documented and can either Icon or Steinberg implement it as they prefer?

When reading this thread (and searching the internet) it seems that Cubendo does not make use of the channel color display and secondary display implementation on the Icon. (but please correct me if I’m wrong). Bigwig (and I believe Reaper as well) DOES have this implementation.

So what does Avid have to do with this? Why can’t Steinberg make this available in Cubendo? If people creating scripts are able to do this, certainly Steinberg would be able to implement this as well, right?

Avid owns ICON. They are the only ones who are allowed to implement the ICON technology within hardware. The software manufacturers are givin’ an SDK so they can “talk” to the hardware. And of course, that SDK is more limited then what they can do for their own software …


Thanks for pointing this out @Fredo. I wasn’t aware of the fact that Avid owns ICON. I understand that the SDK is limited to third party developers.

But then how come Bigwig and Reaper DO have this implementation? And (if I understand correctly from this thread), people creating a custom script are able to implement this (strip colors and secondary display)?

Just guessing here, but maybe it was pretty easy for them to link their own specific code to the SDK, and is it extremely complicated for a different coded application. I really don’t know …


I believe there is some confusion between AVID’s ICON and Icon Pro Audio control surfaces, which are not EUCON compatible but instead implement MCU & HUI protocols, as well as generic MIDI.

Yes, I am talking about the Icon V1-M and V1-X (not the Avid ICON). The V1-M/X uses MCU protocol. I would assume that that protocol is easier to manipulate (mainly MIDI data, right?)

Oh damn … Yes … I was mixing up Eucon and Icon.
My mistake. So sorry.

That is correct.
Sorry 'bout the fuzz.


No worries @Fredo :grin: But back on topic: could Steinberg implement this functionality in future Cubendo updates?

Hey @Misja_van_Waterschoo,
right, I’m adding support for the V1-M/X and P1-M/X in the cubase-mcu-midiremote project.



Yup :+1:

You need to create a few directories, download and copy the script file and edit some config options at the top of the file in a text editor. Not really difficult, but also not super convenient to set up. It’s set-and-forget luckily (unless you want to update the script when a new version is released). I don’t know what you mean by risky. From a security perspective, that would be a “no” since the script runs sandboxed in Cubase. Scripts can only mess around with the Cubase projects you open, but I can guarantee you I have no interest in destroying other people’s mixes :sweat_smile:

I don’t know about any English videos (only one for the Behringer X-Touch One), but you can give the Mackie Control Pro version of the script a spin – it is quite similiar to the future V1-M version and you can already use it to check if you can cope with the limitations.


@Folleville Thanks for the input!

I’d say about as much as in Cubase MCU mode – the script resembles Cubase’s standard MCU features for most buttons.

Maybe a quick heads-up for V1-M users testing the V1-M script: It seems you’ll need at least iMAP v1.21 to successfully load the .imap file provided with the script.

@bjoluc I’ve been testing out the script you made and I appreciate the time and effort put into it. For me, colors work fine, Master out meter - fine.

I started out with multiple Macie control devices connected through cubase, and I had to do some deleting and adding to get them to function properly.

things I’ve noticed. Sometimes, when I’m on the Pan screen, and I click say EQ or Pre-Gain, the screen doesn’t change to that function. Instead, nothing happens, unless I bank left or right and then the screen refreshes. or reloading the script fixes it. Now, I could be wrong, but I do not believe it is a script problem, maybe something with the firmware.

Also, I can’t get the plug-in button to do anything. From the stock script it would pull up on the screen and allow me to scroll through the plug-ins. I believe this is described in your known issues. the focused insert works just fine however.

The Navi button, I’m not sure what this is for. It does the same it always had, which is the same as the Move <>.

The Gate/Compr/Tools/Sat/Limiter buttons work. As long as they are already enabled. I haven’t figured out how to enable/disable, but I’m trying to figure out a work-around.

In All, I am really satisfied with the script. Figuring out the iMAP piece is where more of my focus is right now, but that’s just a matter of customizing it bests to my taste.

Thanks again!

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