I was pretty sure when you wrote about your need about visibility agents that I had a workaround for you, I just didn’t have the energy/time to investigate but let me know if this is a solution for you. Now perhaps you have a very complicated template/setup with your tracks then perhaps it is not as simple with the example I am gonna demonstrate, but all you need to do is create a macro starting with the visibility config then follow up with a selection of the track you want to show.
I have same colors for all Drums, electric guitars etc, so I just create a preset inside the Project Logical Editor which selects the color name of the track I want to show.
So for example for my drums the macro looks like this
Channel & Track Visibility - Visibility Configuration 1
Process Project Logical Editor - Select Tracks - Blue
For whatever reason if you throw in a “deselect tracks” afterwards it won’t register to the P1-M, but this is one way you could do if you really would like the decibel values + the visibility config synced to the controller.
Thanks so much for the idea. Not sure I follow….does this just navigates to where the row of tracks “start?” Or would it allow the p1 to “skip “ tracks and show a selection of non-congruous faders (that’s what I really need).
I am not sure I follow what you mean xd.
What is one visibility agent for you? In my example I gave you it is exactly the same - the only difference is that the drum tracks are selected.
I choose to select all drum tracks (color blue) because this seem to guarantee it shows the track furthest to the left as number 1 on the p1-m.
I guess everything depends on how you have things setup. Play with selection macros and you will probably find a way.
I still will not switch from the MCU since MCU delivers global sends which the Midi Remote script does not, and I really like the global send option.
Ok. I probably won’t get back to the script for awhile but I’ll update here if I do.
What I’m not following is I didn’t think that the script respected what tracks were visibile, under any circumstances, and always displayed ALL trakcs.
What I need is the ability to display SOME tracks. Say, bus 1, 3,4,5,7,14,15,18 shown together on the 8 faders in front of me.
Right. Like you will be able to modify the macro to suit your need, all you need to do is making sure that the tracks are selected. Now if you are not working with the same template every time and you have to edit the macro for every new project, that’s tedious and I would definitely not do it then. But if it is more simple like my example then the workaround is not too bad.
Yea I thought I’d just let you know. Personally I want the global sends to work, I really like that option. The other hand I have less issues with the script… We will see.
For track visibility I use the mixer configurations: In the mixer, hide the channels that you don’t want to see, then create a new mixer configuration for this. For example: I always like to have a configuration with only my groups visible. With a press of a button you can simply show only those channels.
The problem with the V1-M/X using the Bjoluc script is, that this visibility is’n mirrored on the control surface. It simply shows all the channels, always. (in Mackie Control mode the channel visibility does work). This is due to a missing argument in the API (as far as I know).
As long as Steinberg (and / or Icon) don’t have a solution for this, the actual mixer layout / visibility can’t be mirrored by the controller. Or does anybody have another solution?