Iconica hanging notes.

Hi, I don’t know why but recently when I use Iconica notes keep on hanging when I hit the stop button and only after hitting the stop button again the notes stop sounding because I activated the preference Stop = reset. This is not very convenient because Cubase then also jumps back to the starting point.

Iconica displayed small problems from the start with notes but this is getting out of hand.

Anyone has experienced this?



Hello, I found that Iconica can hang notes after use of midi sustain pedal messages. are You sure that You are not using sustain pedal?


Thanks for your help. With a sustain pedal I also still experience this but the hanging notes when I hit the stop button has stopped suddenly. I cannot figure out what has changed.
Hope they will solve the hanging notes with the sustain pedal one day but I am happy the other hanging notes problem has disappeared.

Well I just learned to not use sustain :smiley: anyway for future investigation of similar issues, try to monitor midi track by midi monitor insert plugin, it helps with diagnostic of some midi ghost or so.