I'd like to move the rests a little bit

It’s a 4/4 time song. It’s a 1 beat rests. I’d like to move the rests a little bit. Thank you.

Go to Engrave mode > open the Properties panel in the Lower Zone > select the rest > activate Rest pos. and adjust accordingly.


Thank you, that’s fixed. Can you also move sideways?

I don’t believe so.

Okay, thank you always. ^^

Actually, you can, but it requires some adjustments with the voice columns.

Rests are always on column 0 and can’t be moved by default. However, in a multi-voice setup like this, you can place the note above in column 1 (which shifts it to the right relative to the rest), and then both will be independent if you go to Note Spacing in Engrave Mode.


Thank you. ^^

It’s entirely normal for the rest to be aligned with the first beat, and moving it sideways may be confusing for the reader.