Idea for improvement: harp note entry (or respelling) considers pedals

In an ideal world Dorico would enter Harp notes like this:

But now I am getting this:
Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 12.28.45
In rythmically shifting material one has to go over everything manually and change alterations to correspond pedaling (or am I missing some shortcut?)
EDIT: the shortcut is there, see my response post.

It would be nice to have a checkbox in Note Entry > Accidentals section:
“Stick harp accidentals to pitch classes indicated by pedal” (if possible)

OR alternatively there could be a respell option to consider harp pedaling.

Maybe the respell option would be better, considering that pedalling might change after notes have been entered.

OK, there is a shortcut I forgot.
I saw it in the manual but as a new user I do not remember it all at once:

One can select a region and then respell all Db to C# of course. I will create a new habit now.
And separating by commas results in just one shift-i popover command.

I feel so good I found the cure for most of the trouble myself. Reading the manual helps, the necessary section might come to you suddenly from the back of your head.

But still: stick to pedaling shorcut for Harp would be cool.
I understand also that this is not a priority.

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