Illogical input of gradual dynamics

I understood the input of gradual dynamics and I like the way it works! :exclamation:

I think the confusion lies when this happens with instruments that cannot change dynamics on a single note, like for example the piano. It does look strange in these scores. But I use it all the time the “Dorico” way with winds, strings etc

Multiple people have indicated in this thread that it is disorienting to select a group of notes, put <f under those notes, and then have the f appear under the following note (or rest). I think Andre may have explained it best:

And indeed I am coming from the piano world. Now that I understand this behavior I can adopt.

There are people using this software from a wide variety of backgrounds & training, so I don’t think it’s asking a lot to include a few additional sentences in the user guide explaining this behavior.

It is very interesting to read how the discussion goes back and forth between professionals and beginners. Of course I can intellectually understand the way Dorico deals with the dynamics. But I think that at this point many or almost all beginners will feel the same as I did and therefore I think that the behaviour expected by everybody should be the default. Especially when I’m transcribing a score, I see groups of notes with a gradual dynamic, which I then select and am amazed when the sign is longer than expected and always selecting a sixteenth less is just cumbersome. Of course, old hands L3B, Dan or Pianoleo can explain this and find a logic in it, but I bet that they too stumbled over it several times at the beginning because we also think very visually when we enter notes.