I'm giving upgrades

Bought upgrades religiously every year to support steinberg but was slow to install until latest one settled in. I’ve bought 14 although I’ve just started on 13. After a lot of messing around with this I’ve discovered that the Project Browser has disappeared and will not reappear in 14. This is very very annoying. Cubase 12 worked fine for me and I feel that have wasted two upgrade fees for a product that has actually got worse, given what I use it for and the way I use it. On top of that my Steinberg/Yamaha UR22 Mk 11 audio interface drops audio on Windows 11 and days after a support request I have had no response.


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Bringing back the project browser isn’t going to happen, it seems. The UR22 drops audio frequently using the latest driver, which is supposed to be W11 compliant. I’ve tried an older driver to no avail. My even older M-Audio M-Track works ok, albeit using an old driver, and the UR22 works on a windows 10 machine. My PC has a 1700mhZ 10-core 13th gen I7-1355U processor and 16Gb RAM