Hello, after the software support for my MRCSX 16 sound card was discontinued, I am trying to continue my recordings with the UR28M card I have. Unfortunately, my iMac also allowed up to version 10.15 (Catalina).
Now, no matter what I did, there was no software suitable for this sound card. There is definitely a problem and I cannot continue the session. 1- I get the warning ‘UR28 M interface conflicts with another port’. I can never interfere with the recording.
2- Sometimes the hardware setup appears on the DAW, I try to intervene from here, but the headphone level and hearing are terrible. Cubase crashes constantly. I uninstall and reinstall many times.
Coincidentally yesterday was perfect. But now I’m stuck in an amateur situation again. It’s recording but I can’t hear the monitor. etc, etc,
Could you please tell me the installation steps and links for the following hardware, one by one? Without insulting my system.
iMac 27 inch late 3013
McOs 10.15
Dear Sirs,
Are we going to make music? Or will we spend most of our time searching for solutions to our problems in your forums? Is this a punishment for us for choosing steinberg products? Instead of constantly making new versions, make something stable and durable, or stand behind a model you produce forever. We musicians get very tired. I hope someone reads this and takes a few minutes of your time to think about what you’ve done to us!
Yamaha needs to rewrite its drivers for modern systems, but so far they won’t do this. Yamaha is stuck in the past. I own the UR28M. It’s a great unit, there is nothing like it on the market. Unfortunately… Yamaha.
I’m looking at Apogee and RME right now. I encourage you to do the same. Save yourself. Don’t let Yamaha kill your dream. Good luck!
Yamaha Steinberg drivers are updated regularly.
@ayhanorhuntas It would be a good idea to read the page at the link below, and verify that you actually have the right drivers for your MacOS 10.15 version, which is quite old in computer years.
It also seems possible that this is not a problem with the USB midi driver, but more details from you are needed to help.
Whenever I have a problem, I get a superior, arrogant response. Again, you insulted the devices in my hand while guiding me.
What is your question though?
You have an old system, and the drivers for that system are on the page I linked in my previous post .