PLEASE Steiny, add MIDI sends to Instrument Tracks.
My workflow for a decade now is heavily reliant on MidiKinetics’ Composer Tools Pro product for Lemur (which they have purchased and reissued now)
It allows me to have thousands of instrument tracks pre-programmed in my template that, when selected, tell Lemur on my iPad what page to bring up so that it displays all the relative keyswitches and controllers for that instrument.
Until Cubase 13, Kinetics was able to get around the lack of MIDI sends with a clever plugin called MKRecallTrigger, but after the deprecation of generic remotes in favor of Cubase’s new remote system, MKRecallTrigger will only function in ROSETTA mode, not in native mode.
I’m told by the developer that simply having MIDI sends implemented on Intstrument tracks would make the recall functionality with their interface possible again. Otherwise I’m going to be stuck in Rosetta mode forever as there’s no substitute that I’m aware of that can replace this in my workflow.
I know this likely a niche request, but there are several requests on the forums through the years for this exact thing. PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEE!!! Pretty PLEASE!??!?!