Import Audio Between Existing Channels

Importing audio (sample) by drag n drop into C10 pro doesn’t create a new channel between existing ones (green line) as it was with version 9.5.
The only option now is putting it inside a used channel or creating a new one by scrolling to the end bottom.

Cubase 10 pro 10.0.20
MacOS 10.12.4


Unfortunately this feature has been removed. Lots of users were complaining. But you can dop it inbetween the tracks in the tracks list. This will create a new track inbetween.

Thanks, Martin, that was helpful.

Unfortunately, this feature doesn’t work anymore if you want to select part of the audio file from Media Bay, neither if you drop it in between the tracks.
The only way to import a part of the file as new track is to place it at the end of the track list…


This works to me here.