I recently switched to N13 from CB13 and I very much enjoy using video cut detection and I also often have to import AAF-files. I am now wondering if it could be possible for the editor to export a video cut file that could be imported as cycle markers into Nuendo, since the cut detection can be hit or miss.
I don’t know a lot about editing or editing software. I do work a lot with editors though, and many uses either davinci og premiere.
Thank you!
Hi @dimonskinke - I’d like to know this too…
In the meantime, can you not ask one of your editor friends to supply you with a few small ‘dummy’ files of various edits, for you to experiment with inside Nuendo…?
I use Matchbox for this. Matchbox can create scene and cut track from AAF or EDL etc.
Ok but it is 1800 usd EDIT: that is for the whole suite. But still 669 usd
Can they maybe create markers on edits and then just export that as a .csv for you to import? Or just an EDL I guess.
There are few ways you can import and export Cycle Markers
The EDL Way and the .CSV Way both work like a Charm
further you can check these to create