Import MXL File to document

I saved a Finale file with 10 instruments as an MXL file and imported it to a Dorico file, which had the same instruments as the top 8. The Finale file had 2 additional instruments. I selected to have it “use the existing instruments,”
but it created all new instruments for all 10 staves. Do I have to import it into a new file and then copy everything, or copy the parts into the existing instruments and then delete the extra parts? Since I’m considering using this file as a template I’m not sure how to import this and many other files.
I tried to link the Finale MXL file but it won’t allow me to. The extension on the Finale file is mxl, the message says it needs xml. I uploaded it as a zip file.

MXL import test.dorico (1.3 MB)
(GE)MXL test (26.7 KB)

The first Bass and Drum parts are the parts. The additional Bass and Drum parts are for playback.

I can only guess that for some reason, Dorico doesn’t think the instruments in the XML file are the same instruments as the ones in the file.

If I delete all your Players, and add new Players with “Classical Guitar” instruments, then the XML file imports, using the existing instruments.

Ok. I did that. Then I tried it again but deleted all the players and imported the file to create new players. I reloaded the Playback Template to start from scratch. I changed the sounds for each player and set the drums to Groove Agent SE. I re-imported the same file and it came in correctly. I imported another file, created from the same Finale template, and it generated 2 new Drum players. Not sure why this is happening. I’m trying to create a Template file, but I can’t be resetting everything for every file I import.

When I have the imported file create the players, there are no sounds assigned to them. I’ve mucked around and got the sounds back, but I don’t know what I did. I tried again and can’t figure out how to get sounds for them.

I tried it again. I deleted all the players, imported the first file. It created the 10 players. This time I didn’t change anything. I then imported the 2nd file and it added 2 more drum parts. I imported a 3rd file and this time it only generated 1 more drum player. Again all of the Finale file are created from the same template file. No differences.