Import Tempo track and signature track from cubase

Hi @Spork ,
my preferences in order, they would be more then welcome:

  1. option/ability asking user whether to import [tempo + time signature] at the moment when importing MIDI/WAV(if nfo embeded). Mostly DAWs default feature years ago and is very very handy :slight_smile:

  2. allow me to draw (pencil) to the tempo track. Also ability to draw ramps also.

  3. accept Cubase exported tempo track file for import (I’ve tried a few weeks ago and wasn’t recognised as a valid importable file)

I wrote about things above in a topic in Mar 24., but I guess it wasn’t a great idea I didn’t created separated feature reqs that time. I’m sorry merging multiple thoughts/feature reqs here:

VST Live has lot’s of extended possiblilties if right tempo track is set (Comparing to e.g. Cymatic Audio Live Player where multitrack wav simply comes out). Things smart things above would save time by avoid the need for recreating [tempo track + time sign] from scratch (if import-selected midi/wav contains theese nfo).

I’m looking forward and thank you for your intensive work on the app!

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