Import track from another montage?

Hey - is there a way to import a track from one montage into another (of course with all envelopes and inserts)? I’ve got one montage and I’d like to pull another montage’s track into it to compare some things. Possible?

As far as I know you cannot do that.

You could however copy all needed clips from the source to a track in the new montage, while all gain settings, clip effects and envelopes should be retained. If you have some track effects in the original montage you could copy them all at once to the new montage as well.

Alternatively you could just insert the original montage on a new track in the new montage - either directly drag & drop the *.mon file into the timeline or use InsertImportAudio Montages. WaveLab will then render the imported montage and create a so called Super Clip, that works like any normal clip but references to the actual source montage.


you could just insert the original montage on a new track in the new montage - either directly drag & drop the *.mon file into the timeline or use InsertImportAudio Montages. WaveLab will then render the imported montage and create a so called Super Clip

OK, didn’t know about this, sounds promising. thx!

Are you talking about an Audio Montage Track?

Or an “Album Track”?

sorry I wasn’t clear: Montage track containing many clips / envelopes / plugins

Your description was accurate then. Sometimes people interchange the two which leads to confusion.

A feature that is similar to “Import Session Data” in Pro Tools would be a nice addition to WaveLab.

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