Import Tracks from Project still don't remember their input ROUTING

One of the best features of Cubase still doesn’t work as it should be working.

Before recording multitracks i make a template project with all channel names, groups and routing according to that recording day. So then i can import that in all the projects of the demo songs later, so i don’t have to do the same thing 12 times or more.

I also make a preset of the input and output routing in the Audio Conncections. I select that preset. When I import these new audiotracks and groups etc. Cubase doesn’t copy it’s input connections.
So I have to manually change all these channel input settings again.
WHY Steinberg??

Make a template… just one click…

READ better my friend
I do make a template. It’s about implementing that is an existing project with the Import Tracks from Project function.


But did you saved it as a template?
The template holds all start settings in place. No need to import tracks to other projects.
If you start from the template, all is in place, already.

Templates only work if every project you start is the same. My project are all different depending on the client. Except my personal composition templates. But it is irrelevant on this topic about Import Tracks from Project.


It would also be nice if Cubase would remember the I/O-Settings for track presets. Sure, if I change my audio interface, I would not expect for that to work, but if the Audio inputs stay the same, why not?


This is driving me nuts too, I have 8 inputs for my drums. The individual drums are routed to sub groups and then to a single “Drum group” and then to stereo out. This is all retained when I import but my DAC INPUTS have to be set up again (and again…).

Still not working reliably

This only occurs if the Output set for the Track in the Project you are copying from finds an exact match in the Project you are copying it into. I don’t know for sure one way or the other but I’d expect the same applies for Inputs - the source names need to match in both Projects.

Why is this not working correctly. this frustrates me to no end. Please Steinberg for the sake of all that is good…implement this. This is not difficult to code. the new version of track import is better in 13 but is still missing the most basic and important quality of life necessity grade function. I need this daily while making records and evolving through multi-mic track layouts.

I still don’t get the point of this.
Why do you import tracks in a recording session?

Its now worse than 12 - now the outputs are also usually screwed…

Importing tracks assigned to groups all end up with no bus assignments. Worse than useless…

Of course, they do.
This ensures that you control the intended routing.
How should the DAW know what your intention is?

Uurrhh -

If I import 10 tracks of drums, routed to a ‘drum’ group, which is in turn routed to my main mix output, I expect all those routing assignments to be maintained.

What more would the DAW possibly need to know?

If there’s anything that needs changing - I will do it. I’m importing for a reason - it is not for the DAW to question me.

The problem is that in 12 Import assignments were reset for no reason - this is apparently on the list to fix. But now in 13 output assignments are also borked.

As it is now, If you import settings to tracks with MATCHING names… it should of course take into account the routing.

Or better yet, leave the routing out of it all… If importing settings to MATCHING track names (without any routing info) it would use whatever routing it has in the project/tracks you import the settings into.

Importing to new tracks will of course have to be assigned to the right/wanted output/audio path anyway

For importing to MATCHING track names it should obviously keep the right routing assignments… 100% agree

PS. See my post above

OK - so there IS a bug regarding importing tracks and their routings.

Tracks imported that are within a folder track retain their output settings, tracks that aren’t don’t…

So, if you have 10 audio tracks for drums, in a ‘drums’ folder track going to a ‘Drums’ group bus, and import the audio tracks, folder track and group buss, then the output assignments are all good.

If the audio tracks are NOT within a folder track, then all output assignments are to ‘No Bus’.

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