Import two Midi-Tracks in one sheet

Hello all,

I desperately try to create a note-sheet for voice and piano with midi.

New projekt, one player, two instruments (voice & piano) - works. I see three lines: one for the voice, two for both piano-hands. Perfect!
And its no problem to drop the piano-midi-track on the sheet.

BUT - what about the midi-track for the voice? When I drop it, it’ll be shown as a new document. How can I bring this voice-track and the piano together in one sheet?

Can anyone help, please?
Thank you!

Hi @Mathias_Petry , and welcome to the Forum.
if you drag the midi regions (from Cubase I suppose?) into the track and at the desired bar position in Play mode, (instead of in Write mode), Dorico doesn’t open the Midi Import dialogue, but just adds the music to the track:

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Thank you so much, Christian!
This is so easy - but I didn’t have the idea to try this way!
…and I spent several thousand dollars for steinberg-products over the decades, I visited workshops already in den 90s … I know you’re great :wink:
Thank you!