If you have made a custom template, is it possible to import an xml file into that template?
Yes: create a project based on your project template, then choose File > Import > MusicXML to import your MusicXML file as a new flow into the project. If you end up with an unwanted empty flow before the new flow created by importing your MusicXML file, you can delete it from the Flows panel in Setup mode.
Thank you, Daniel. Let me try that.
What is the difference between Music XML and Compressed XML.
I have been under the impression that we want to work with compressed XML files. Other information, thought, refers only to Music XML files.
Yes. That works. Thanks, Daniel.
Apparently slightly more information is included in compressed xml, but for most practical purposes they are the same. (I prefer uncompressed xml as I can edit them if needed with a text editor)
Thank you. I’ve noticed that text objects don’t import. That’s OK because I prefer the looks of the objects using the Dorico text editor.
I think the text objects should import from both formats. But Dorico may have difficulty deciding whether text is a (eg) a tempo indication, an expression or just some random text.
My Hymn Template in Dorico includes two players, one, a keyboard staff showing the four part hymnal harmony and one keyboard staff showing the accompaniment part for the Piano player.
When the accompaniment part is imported as an mxl compressed file it imports into flow 2. So I delete flow 1. So far so good.
However the second player, the one that I would compose for the hymnal part, does not appear.
I’d like it to appear. How to do this?
Activate the instrument and layout in the new flow.
Thank you, Derrek. Let me try that. I’ll be back.
Well that was easy. It worked great, Derreck.
Thank you again!