Importing DDP Image problem

I created a DDP image for a client and wanted to look at it back in WL before I sent it off to the Manufacturer.

I did as the meager help info suggested:

WaveLab can read DDP files by choosing File > Import > Audio DDP Image…

But when I navigate to the folder containing all of the DDP files, none of them are available to select (they are “greyed out”).

This is on my Mac OS 10.8

What am I doing wrong?

Normal: you have to select the enclosing folder, not a file.

Thanks, Phillipe.

That might be a good thing to include in the help information.

Absolutly, you’re not the first one to ask :wink:

PG …

If you are going to look at this, would it be possible to be able to be able ‘drag’ the DDP folder into the montage window to open it? That is, without going through the ‘file/import’ thing.

Like you can do with the Sonoris DDP Player for example.

Not important, but it would be perhaps a more elegant approach.