New Dorico user here coming form Finale. Is it possible to import MIDI into Dorico 5 Pro without tempo information? It does not seem to be in the import options.
For context, I orchestrate film music -so I am often starting from composers’ midi, which can have pretty busy tempo maps. I might not always need to notate everything in the map (for ex. I don’t need tempo information for every beat point of a ritardando). Going in the file and deleting tempo info can be time consuming, so I am hoping there’s a way around this.
Have you tried doing a “Select All” of the music after the import and then go into the Edit->Filters menu and use the filter to just select the Tempo Changes, and use that to delete them? I haven’t tried it but I would expect that to work.
I am just saying that it would be great to have an option to toggle tempo import on or off. In most cases I’ll change the way things are notated (even without ritardandos, etc), so I would rather have no tempo markings, and enter things manually as needed. Additionally that would remove chances for mixups when files/sketches are passed around a team.
The Dorico team are usually receptive to suggestions like this if they make sense. In the meantime, you could record a Macro in the script menu in Dorico that you could use to do initial cleanup of MIDI by running certain commands in order, like going into write mode, doing the select->all, filtering tempi, deleting them, and whatever else needs to be done initially to the MIDI. You can distribute the recorded macro to others to run these standard commands you want done after any MIDI import and then it’s just a matter of running it in the script menu.
Hey Michael, thanks for the suggestion -I have added the feature request tag on this thread. For now I might record a macro in Dorico, or script something in Keyboard Maestro.