If importing a large symphony orchestral music xml score, is there anything to help at least partially automate the conductor score to looking reasonable. or some suggested steps. i.e. automatically separating staffs and markings so they are more readable.
First of all I would untick most of the boxes in preferences->Music XML import before importing.
Then check Library->Layout Options->Page Setup for page size and rastral size.
(larger page size or/and smaller rastral size)
Also perhaps as in image.
Don’t forget that once you use Dorico’s “Condensing” feature, it will merge the staves of ‘pairs’ of instruments, e.g. Flute 1 & 2.
However, if you’re still working on the score, then you can use Galley View to work on everything before you come to the layout. (There’s a setting in Layout Options to set the staff distance in Galley View.)
If you prefer to keep working in page view, if you give Dorico a bit more breathing room it will do a better job of avoiding collisions: either increase the page size or reduce the staff size (by setting the rastral size) on the Page Setup page of Layout Options.