I exported a MIDI file containing swung 8th notes and 8th triplets (some of the 8th triplets are divided in 16th notes in some cases). The DAW quantizes the relevant 8th notes to swung (using a 2:1 ratio) and the triplets are quantized as 8th notes triplets. When I try to import to Dorico the score shows triplets everywhere if I chose import quantize using 8th notes resolution and 8th notes tuplets resolution. If I import in Dorico disabling the tuplets detection then the resolution doesn’t fit. I am using Swung notes playback in Dorico using the 2:1 eighth notes swing setting. How can I get the score to look so that the swung notes are shown as 8th notes and show triplets for those notes which were quantized as such in the daw ensuring the Dorico playback is as intended. Nothing seems to work. Thanks
Welcome to the forum, @pfembon. I’m afraid Dorico doesn’t have a way to “straighten” swing in the way you’re looking for. It has been requested before, but it’s not yet a feature of the software.
If you can straighten the music in the DAW before you export the MIDI, you can then simply apply the swing rhythmic feel in Dorico after importing the music.
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Thanks for the response. What I really don’t understand is why the program would swing eight notes tuplets in playback (It should play straight 8th notes tuplets). Doesn’t make much sense to me and it should be fixed imo.