Importing Tracks from another Project - Colors of Tracks not Imported!

Hello there,

I’m experiencing an issue with the track colors when importing them from another project. I spent time color-coding different sections of tracks, but when I import them into a new project, the colors change.

Although the correct colors are visible in the Import dialog window (eg green for strings, blue for woodwinds, etc.), there are no options for importing track colors. How can I retain the original colors from the other project?

Thanks for any advice

Do you use the same color palette for both projects? Not sure if this makes a difference though but it’s the first thing that comes to my mind

I don’t, since I’m working in a one-year old project and am trying to import tracks from a new template I made. To be honest I would expect Cubase to import any color, and if it’s not included in the project palette, it should add the new colors automatically I think.

It very much does. Cubase colors things based on the Color’s slot. So if the 4th slot in the source Project is green but in the destination slot it’s blue any green stuff will change to blue.

If you like the Color Pallet in your source Project you could set it to be the default & then in the destination Project set it to use the default Pallet.

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