Hi all - I’m gradaully importing lots of lead sheets from finale (XML) into dorico as they need updating. My method is to open up a new a new score using my own GG Pop Leadsheet template, then import the XML into the score. It usually shows up as flow 2, with new players, so I delete flow 1 and the unused original “lead sheet” player.
However, some of my layout options seem to be overwritten in the new flow/player that was imported. Specifially, the page margins, the system spacing, and first system indentation. (maybe more too, these are just what I’m noticing)
Is there something I need to do to ensure that the imported XML uses the settings from my template?
Well, I’ve un-ticked all boxes in the preferences->musicxml Import, and these parameters are still changing when I import.
I’d thought the XML might be grabbing the spacing or something from the XML, but I’ve also noticed that it’s adding bar numbers back in, when I have them hidden in both the original finale file, as well as my lead sheet preferences.
A quick test with an XML of a large orchestral work shows that it opens as a new document with A3 page size; but if I load it into an existing document, the layout options retains the original (B5!) page size of the project.
As ever, if you’ve got something weird, then you’ll need to provide XML and dorico files for someone to take a look at.
Attached are two files, one, just a brand new score from my own template, which has the margins, spacing, and other parameters I’ve settled upon for my own preferences. For reference, I’ve saved the template with 12mm page margins on all four directions.
The second is after I imported a XML lead sheet from Finale. (All You Need Is Love). In this case I accepted doricos suggestion during import to create new parts/players rather than try to merge with any existing parts & players, but I’ve found that it creates a new flow and a new player no matter what I choose.
Any insight is appreciated - not a huuuge deal, but it’d be nice if i could make Dorico abide by my preferences on import. Note that the new part Dorico created (Piano 2) is the only part that has the preferences wrong - the “Lead Sheet” part, and the full score abide by the preferences I have in the template.
An XML file imported into an existing document will always be a new flow. Just delete the first flow, if you don’t want it.
Dorico will try to match instruments based on their names. It would be useful to see what the XML actually uses to describe the instrument. But it looks like Dorico is keeping “Lead Sheet” and “Piano” as two separate Players, because they’re not both called “Piano”.
Right, that’s what I’ve been doing, just deleting the vestigial flow after importing the XML. Still don’t know how to force the imported flow conform to my preferences automatically though.
It’s probably impractical to go into all my finale files and adjust them so that the XML export comes out as “Lead Sheet” to match my template. (I’m guessing the finale XML-creator machine is just grabbing the instrument name.)
I suppose I could duplicate my template and rename the “Lead Sheet” player to “Piano” and see what happens…