Improved performance in Nuendo 11?

It’s listed as an I improvement in the N11 specs. Wondering how much improvement with OSX?

I’ve being using N11 today. I think it runs better than 10.3 but not sure if better than 10.2. I must check deeper.
Graphically it works much better than N10.3 which had a sluggish GUI. Scroll is smooth but export could be slower, I don’t know.

Well, after a few days working with N11 and OSX, I can confirm it’s a bit step forward in performance on Mac. GUI is much responsive, edits run smoothly and all in general seems to work better than previous N10.

A good job ST, but it confirms N10 was sluggish to Mac OS. I paid the update and I think N11 is a patch for N10 useless environment. It should has been a free update.

Thanks folks. I was hoping to find out if it uses less CPU on larger projects and also if you can record at lower latency using less CPU. I can almost record at 32 samples now (Cubase 10.06 with OSX Mojave) but not quite.