In Playback techniques, can I choose there ornaments for Playing Techniques?

A little question. When I make a new Playing Technique, can I link them at a Playing technique in the category “Ornaments”, or can I only use Playing Techniques in the category “Techniques”?
I used the category “Ornaments” 2 times, and Dorico crashed 2 times. After that crash all seemed to work properly again, with the Playing Techniques linked at the Playback Technique in the category “ornaments”.
So I’m doubting if I am doing the right thing.

You can indeed link a playing technique to a playback technique in any category. If you’ve experienced a crash in trying to set up a playing technique, please do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach the resulting zip file here so we can take a look and perhaps see what happened.

Hi @dspreadbury.
Thanks for your answer. Here is a link to the diagnostic files. (They were to big to upload).