I already understood that there are two ways of creating incipits, by using the coda tool and by creating a new “flow” (is this the right term? In the German version, it would be “Partie”). I guess using the coda tool wouldn’t work, since I would just need a single staff. But for the option with a new flow, I don’t manage to get it in the same line with the following flow and hiding the break and barline (what was sooo simple in Finale )
Nur eine kleine Klarstellung : Möchten Sie ein Incipit oder doch ein Insert erstellen ? (um die Originalschlüssel anzugeben, die im Manuskript vor der Bearbeitung verwendet wurden).
Denn wenn es die zweite Idee ist, finden Sie die Vorgehensweise im englischen Handbuch bei „prefatory staves“ und nicht bei „incipit“.
Just a little clarification : do you want to create an incipit or a preface system (to indicate the original keys used in the manuscript before editing). Because, if it’s the second idea, you’ll find the procedure in the English manual under “prefatory staves” and not “incipit”.
It is not very easy to do in Dorico, but you can find some tips on this forum, like the following one :
Hi @yuval.dvoran, here a workaround to obtain what you desire.
Created a Coda with 3/4 gap (to avoid the lines prolongations appearing on the second and third staff), and set the first bar to 1/4, corrected the bar numbers.
Then added a System Break with the Hide systemic barline Property activated.
I used some text with white foreground and white background, and Avoid collision deactivated, and fine positioned to cover the unwanted lines and clefs, etc. (for fine adjustments you can use the shortcut Shift+Option(Alt)+Command(Control)+ arrow keys). You can then use the Start Voice property, to hide the rest if desired, and shrink the incipit bar spacing in Engrave Mode.
Thanks, Christian, but your incipit is stuck on the hook of the transcription staff ; logically, there should be a slight space between the end of the incipit and the beginning of the master staff.
Furthermore, does this mean that the entire score will be considered as a Coda ?
Hi @yuval.dvoran, I made a video with the whole workflow of my previous text and images only posts. I hope that it is clear enough and it can help. There are several little steps, but the result is very consistent: