Inconsistency between "Select more" and "select to end of flow"

I like the concept of “select more”, but that doesn’t include the triplet groupings. That makes it pretty useless for large cut and paste operations.

I believe it should work the same as “select to end of flow”, which DOES include the triplet groupings.

For the time being, it actually is quite consistent with the way the filter works : try filtering by voice, you’ll notice that the tuplets are not included in the selection.
This “problem” has already been discussed, so the team knows about it…

Select To End of Flow selects everything on the selected staves.
Select More (SM) selects more of whatever you’ve selected.
If you start by selecting some lyrics, SM will select more lyrics. If you start be selecting some notes, SM will select more notes. If you Cmd/Ctrl-click a note and a lyric, SM will select both notes and lyrics.

Bottom line: SM does select tuplet groupings as long as there’s one in your initial selection.

The point is that the triplet grouping is part of the note, as far as I’m concerned. What good does it do to select a passage WITHOUT the triplet groupings? That would be like not selecting the dots from a dotted half or dotted quarter. The triplet grouping is essential to the length and placement of the note.

SM doesn’t select time signatures either, unless they’re part of the initial selection. If the time signature changes every bar then I can’t imagine a scenario in which I’d want to copy notes without time signatures (not that copying is the only thing I use SM for).

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I like the current behaviour, but (to my mind) it’s consistent.

If triplet grouping was “part of the note” in Dorico (which it isn’t) it would be a pain if you change your mind and rewrite a passage of 2/4 triplets in 6/8 time.

Or if you change your mind about an irregular run of notes, and want to add one note in the middle of a group of 9 and turn it into a group of 10.

Or if you decide that some nested tuplets have ended up as a mess and you want to simplify the notation a bit …

Maybe they should add an additional function like “select more bars of complete music”. That selection could include triplets as well as chord symbols. I would use that often.

That’s precisely the function of the system track.

Ok, sorry, I should have been more precise.

A key command that selects the following bar of the selected track(s) including notes, chord symbols, text etc. Hitting the key command again adds a bar selection. Is there already something like that?

Or maybe i should ask differently: What’s the easiest way to select bar 4 to 8 in flute, harp and piano in an orchestra including chord symbols? That’s a situation where I start doing single clicks on all chord symbols with pressed cmd key (Mac) and dragging mouse frames to select parts.

In my case, I’m trying to copy one entire instrument to another instrument. I don’t see how the system track would help with that.

I can do “select to end of flow”, which is what I have always done. I just thought I’d try the “select more”. By ignoring the triplets, I don’t see how I could ever use that, unless my music doesn’t have any tuplets, of course.

Including the triplets is as simple as cmd-clicking one triplet to include it in your selection before Select more is used.

I’m certain I’ve already successfully copied the material of the LH piano staff into a single-line staff using ‘select to end of flow’, but this morning it isn’t playing ball at all - when pasting I get a spinning circle for a second and then nothing. If I select a series of bars, or use ‘select more’, it works, but I can’t understand why ‘to end of flow’ isn’t pasting anything at all.

Is the initial selection correctly highlighting everything?
Is it possible that the material you’re copying is cross-staffed up/down from a different staff?

No, it’s extremely elementary music (for children); all in one voice, no cross-stave, no triplets, not even (yet) expression marks, and I’m pretty sure everything got selected. The double bass staff (which I’d already done some time ago) seems evidently to have started as a straight copy from the LH piano staff, so I’m puzzled. I’m minded to put it down as one of those switch-off-and-on-again things.

And you’re definitely in Write mode, and not trying to paste into a condensed staff?

Yup. I’ve just tried again (this time pasting to an existing empty staff) and the same happened.
But here’s the thing - there are arpeggiated chords in the piano part in a couple of bars in the middle. So just now I experimentally first selected the whole staff ‘to end of flow’ and then deselected manually the four arpeggio lines, and the paste operation worked. The problem was those wiggly lines. I wonder why.
(Regarding the DB staff, there are two possibilities - a) I’d pasted it before adding the arpeggiations to the piano part, b) I’d selected in a different way, e.g. selected the last bar and then the first with Shift. It’s probably a).)

Ah, yes – I’ve been caught out a few times by trying to copy from the bottom staff of a grand staff instrument, and inadvertently catching objects that are attached to the top staff, e.g., pedal lines, chord symbols, and 2-staff arpeggio lines. You Copy, not realizing it’s a 2-staff selection, and then Paste, and wonder why none of the notes go in. If there is another instrument below your destination staff, the notes would go there! which is what happened to me more than once.

I’m pretty sure this is the problem of confining your initial selection to one staff.

I’m sure I’ve had problems before with copy/pasting the lower staff of a piano part, but this seems to be slightly different. For a start: even when there is an empty staff below the destination one, nothing got pasted on that or the intended destination staff. Also, when I experimentally copied both staves of the piano part just now, and pasted to the higher of two empty staves, only the top staff got pasted - the lower one was nowhere to be seen. I’m wondering whether arpeggio lines are some kind of special case which need particular treatment in copy/paste operations.

You’ve got me curious to see this in action, preferably a minimal case. I bet we can bet to the bottom of this with a file.

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