Inconsistency of Select Right by Bar

I am using Select Right by Bar command to quickly traverse a set number of bars - move to the next 8 bars, so I can automate transcription more easily.
I have found that this works well, up until it selects each note in one particular bar.
I have attached the dorico file (modified example file) and video.
I am using newest Dorico 5 SE (I’m testing for my students)
Liszt - Liebestraume test.dorico (1.6 MB)

Cześć, Nikola – This fails because it is the last bar of notes in that staff. (The rests after the last note aren’t “real” so we can’t skip to them.) Someone a few years ago had the same issue, and I had a method to deal with it:

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This is monumental advice, thanks. It is weird because if you select a rest in the next bars — it can traverse bars to the right no problem - even when there is no music further down the piece, but it will yeet back to first note regardless of how many bars there is if you do a „one bar left” command. It is disheartening that the simple commands get some kind of street smarts that makes any predictable automation impossible

It seems like some special logic from the user’s point of view, but it’s simply that there is no data in the staff after that point. The bar rests are virtual, so Dorico only allows us to select one directly, to start inputting there.

As a composer efficient dealing with empty space is sometimes more important than dealing with written out places. It is not in the concept of Dorico for the underlying material to impose solutions — Dorico had always good way of making the interfacing with the underlying data seamless and meaningful. It would be great for it to acnowledge the power of empty space by giving us reliable tools to get rid of it :slight_smile:
thanks for clarifying the problem here