Would it be possible to increase the number of physical inputs in Cubase, at least to 384 inputs (or even more)? Currently, the maximum number is 256. Even at the expense of outputs, when there is no need to have 256, but for example only 128 and therefore the setting could be asymmetrical (384/128). Today, computers are quite powerful, so this should not be a problem. Thank you for the info.
Please add the optionalfeature-request tag to your post.
Just out of pure curiosity, why do you need more than 256 inputs (and what audio interface would you use to support that)? Always on the hunt for exotic use cases
Dante, MADI or AVB interfaces.
Live sound recordings, for surround applications, or big orchestra live recordings.
Yes, this is an AVB system that we have been using for some time, but unfortunately it is limited by the physical tracks of DAW systems (theoretically they all have a limit of 512 channels - 256x256). If we want to use all instruments, inputs above 256 must then be switched, for example, presets in Cubase (creating different matrices), which delays, the simplicity of playing specific instruments is lost and in addition, you have to think about which instrument can play with which at a certain time. I think that nowadays it should not be a problem to unblock this… theoretically Steinberg could be the first in this I have no idea how they do it in other studios, but we have not found a solution yet.