Independent Voice Playback and Effects

I am trying to get familiar with Doricos rich playback features. Having learned about the independent voices, which I use in a piece for 2 pianos, I would now like to add some reverb. However, it seems that each voice needs to be assigned its own reverb. (I added screenshots of voice 1 and 2 of the first piano.)

I have the strong feeling that I am misunderstanding the concept. What I would look for is a general track, where I can add one reverb plugin for both pianos. Would anybody please help me understand how I can achieve that (if this is at all an existing feature in Dorico,of course)? Thank you!

There’s an overall Reverb send channel, and you can send some portion of the signal for each piano to the Reverb channel, where Dorico by default loads the REVerence plug-in.

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Thank you, Daniel! :slight_smile:
A whole new world opens up for me… amazing! And fun!

Independent voices would be used for one piano only…
If you use two pianos, their voices zre going to be independent (unless you manually wire them to the same VSTi! But that’s not what using a playback template would do)

Thank you for your feedback, @MarcLarcher ! I am aware that 2 pianos have different channels, my (unclear) question was indeed addressing one staff of one piano that has more than one voice. Meanwhile I am comfortable with how Dorico deals with that situation - very nicely indeed!

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I am sincerely sorry to resurrect this topic.
I have read and re-read the documentation on Independent Voice Playback, as well as Support Posts on this topic.
I’ve tried literally dozens of times to get the Bass Piano Clef to express a different dynamic than the Treble Clef.
I paid attention to:

  • Enabling Independent Voice Playback
  • Using Right Click | Voices | Change Voice to select a new “Down Stem” voice
  • (that this was successful is evidenced in the NotePerformer Mixer and Dorico Play Map)
  • Ensuring the caret was positioned correctly when entering the dynamic
  • Ensuring I pressed Alt when selecting the dynamic

I trust what I have written is demonstrated in the attached small .Dorico file.

The Treble Clef if MF
The Bass Clef is PPP

Yet playback expresses MF in both.

I know I’m doing something wrong. What am I missing?

Many thanks in advance.

IVP Test.dorico (566.2 KB)