Input note an octave lower or higher?

Hi folks,

In write mode:

If i press “C” on my computer keyboard, i get a C an octave above middle C.

Could anyone tell me what the keyboard shortcut is to write that C an octave lower or higher?

Have been searching the manual but to no avail!

Thanks! …J

To jump up an octave during keyboard input, press Shift-Alt before hitting the C.
To jump down an octave, press Ctrl-Alt before hitting the C.

And on a Mac that’s Cmd-shift to go up and Cmd-alt to go down.

Great, thanks! …J

I am still not quite sure about shortcuts for Mac. Could you help me please to understand? For example, if i need to input such notes as C, D and straight after that - an upper C, which key combinations exactly I have to use in a write mood?
C for C
D for D,
??? for upper C?
Cmd-Shift in this case doesn’t work for me
Thank you
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I think it’s supposed to be shift+option+C. Octave below is ctrl+C.

On Mac after inputting the note (it is still selected) I do command-option up or down arrow.
(To move from one note to the adjacent, use just the arrows. I do this sometimes when there are various notes in the wrong octave, I sometimes adjust them afterwards instead of altering each one, that way I just press for each note and carry on a while not bothering the octave—and yes it can go very weird until you fix them.)

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. If I would write C, C und upper C, shift+option works fine, but if I write C, B and upper C, this key command doesn’t change anything - a third C is then the same as a first one.

Thank you, of course I can change a note after input. But my question is - can I write a note one octave higher or lower as default using my keyboard without modifying it? Just pressing some shortcut before.

Ah, I see what you mean now. No, that’s not possible. I’ve been wanting the same myself.

Those shortcuts you gave only work in the following circustances:

  1. If you’re writing a higher note then the previous, ctrl + alt will write it an octave lower
  2. If you’re writing a lower note then the previous, shift + alt will write it an octave higher

Otherwise, those modifiers have no effect.

So, for example, if you write a C, then write a B, it doesn’t matter if you press just B, or ctrl + alt + B, it will (in both cases) write a B a semitone lower then the C.

And if you write a C, then write a D, it doesn’t matter if you press just D, or shift + alt + D, it will (in both cases) write a D a semitone higher then the C.

Is it not possible to have modifiers that will always write a note in a certain register, regardless of what the previous note was?

Totally agree with you, Jazzius. It is exactly what I was searching for. Otherwise these shortcuts are in many cases just useless.

The best way to be sure you will get a note in the desired octave is of course to use a MIDI keyboard, as then there is no ambiguity.

When using keyboard input, without a modifier the octave chosen for the next note will be the closest one to the previous note; the modifiers allow you to influence this to be the octave below if it would otherwise be the octave above, or vice versa, but not to force an additional octave in either direction.

Daniel, the modifiers are the Note input octave up/down key commands you refer to? or is this something else, if so, how do they work?

Also what you are saying is that there is no modifier equivalent to the one you can apply after entering the note (where you can stipulate how far up or down in octaves they move to)?

Wouldn’t the modifiers be more useful if they gave you an octave above/below what you get without? It would still be predictable.

Our rationale for this is that it is rare for the interval to be larger than an octave, and you can use Ctrl+Alt+up/down arrow to move the last note by an octave if need be.

Hm, I can write all the notes in this screenshot using Shift-Alt or Ctrl directly without correcting them, but I cannot write in this way a LAST ONE. Thats because an interval here is more then 1 Octave. I understand, it is not possible, but I do not understand why not “to let” Dorico to work in a same way as before…What the idea behind it?
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Sorry, Daniel, just wrote my question in a same time you answered it. I wont agree it is so rare. It depends

Yes: let me just reiterate that we take the view that intervals smaller than an octave are more common, and we intend the Shift+Alt/Ctrl+Alt shortcuts really to just influence the direction of the next note, rather than specifically as “transpose up an octave” or “transpose down an octave”.

By the way on my German keyboard I use Shift+Alt or just Ctrl, because Ctrl+Alt doesn’t work.