Inputs not working anymore

Im using a Focusrite Scarlett solo and outputs are working fine but I can’t get any signal from the inputs.

I’ve set it to the right channel in audio connections.
and when I set up an appropriate audio channel there is no signal.
This is a new issue for me as it used to work fine.

Im able to record the input through other programs like Audacity so I think the issue is with cubase?

also I’ve been having problems recently with cubase not reading other interfaces in studio set up (even with the correct driver installed)
I’ve got a feeling this could be related?

I’m using cubase 13 on a Mac, Please help?

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Hi, @sam_Deeley and welcome to the forums.

The first thing I would do after confirming that the Scarlett’s driver is actually loaded Studio Setup, would be to open the mixconsole, play my instrument or try my microphone already connected to the scarlett solo, and see if the input channels in Cubase (red fader caps, on the left of the mixconsole) register any signal at all. If not, I would double check my Input tab of Audio Connections. If it still wouldn’t work, I would then see if the Scarlett Solo has some kind of panel where I could adjust the routing of inputs etc.

But, there’s also the chance that you need to give permission to Cubase to use the microphone since you’re on a mac? From privacy settings? I’ve seen it before, it’s a pretty common thing to forget.

Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.
so there is a signal coming through the interface, as its working on other softwares and I can hear it when I switch on direct monitoring.

There is no signal however on the correctly set up Audio channel on cubase in the mix console tho.

my Mic was already selected on for cubase in the privacy settings. (ive tried switching it on and off as well)

Here are some screenshots in case I’m missing anything

What have you connected to input 2 of the scarlett?

It’s a Dub Siren lol, It previously worked before fine tho! Ive been using it for years, only recently has it decided to stop working in cubase

Maybe a system update disabled the access to the microphone for Cubase.

Hi, Microphone is switched on here?

Let’s recap. You can see the meters of input 2 in your mixconsole moving, but when you add an audio track that receives from input 2, you can’t see the meters of the audio channel moving? (When using the dub siren)

Looks good there…

Can you record anything? Or is it disabled for all interfaces?

No I can’t see them moving in the mix console in cubase. but I know there is a signal because I can monitor it directly through the interface and I’m able to record the input in other programs like audacity.
the issue seems to be with cubase not picking up any signal.

I’m able to record through my built in microphone.

Neither the input channel NOR the audio channel?

Don’t you have a spare mike lying around to try input one on the Solo?

I’m wondering if something’s wrong with the setup of Inputs in Audio Connections, because Input 1 (Mono 1) has an input icon in its entry, while Mono 2 does not.

Annoyingly I don’t but I’ve just tried swapping the device port over and still no luck.

Well, this is proving tougher than it ought to be. :sweat_smile:

Im also having the exact same issue with my RME UFX+. I can get things working in Pro Tools but Cubase suddenly not working. Please tag me if you figure it out, ill do the same!


So I’m currently running the demo of Cubase 14 and it seems to work fine now on there, so the issue must be something with 13 @narothaudio