Inputting low notes with the mouse


I’m writing a guitar part in ‘Dropped D’ tuning and I’m having trouble being able to add a low ‘D’ note: It seems Dorico will allow a low ‘E’ but no notes below that with my mouse. How can I enter a low ‘D’?

thank you!

Ok, it seems you have to first enter a low ‘E’ note and then you can move the cursor lower to achieve a lower note. Odd, but it’s working. Anyone know a better way?

Hi @benjaminlassiter, I have no problem writing the low d with the mouse (using the built in Classic guitar/Dropped D guitar tuning).

CleanShot 2024-09-23 at 23.54.53

Can you share a screenshot of your score?

  • Maybe your issue is, if you have other staves below the guitar, that your mouse will be too near to the lower staff and Dorico thinks that you want to write in that other staff instead. In this case it is helpful to write in Galley view, and expand, in Layout Options/Vertical Spacing, the ideal staff gaps for Galley view (default is 125%, try 180% or something like that). This will give you more space to enter your low (or high) notes. (This spacing change doesn’t influence the layout in Page view):

  • If instead the Tablature below the staff is causing this issue in Page view, just switching to Galley view will give you enough space to let you write the lower D with the mouse (no need to change the Layout option above). Or if you like to work in Page view, increase temporarily the value of the ideal gap for Notation staff to tablature (default is 6) in Layout Options/Vertical Spacings:

thanks for your suggestions!