Ins vorige System verschieben

Ich möchte den Takt 41 (letzter Takt der Partie) ins vorige System verschieben. Bei allen vorangegangen System klappte das einwandfrei.
Was mache ich falsch? Besten Dank für die Unterstützung

If you’re going to post in the English category, please write in English: if you want to post in German, there is a dedicated German category. Your question, translated:

I would like to move bar 41 (last bar of the part) to the previous system. This worked perfectly with all previous systems. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for your support

Try selecting the first note at the beginning of bar 37, and the note in bar 41, then click Make Into System in the left-hand panel in Engrave mode.

Meine Güte, there are a lot of problems with that brief snippet.

  • There must be a system break at bar 41, because the system is barely more than half full. (Daniel’s advice fixes this, but no breaks should be needed.)
  • Bar 38 has only 3 beats instead of 4. The song has a quarter rest on beat 1.
  • The last note of 38 lacks a tie into 39
  • The slur in 39 makes no sense. Are you trying to say “Don’t breathe here”?
  • Why is the last bar only 2 beats long?

P.S. You can include screenshots in your post; you don’t have to use an external service.

Besten Dank @Mark_Johnson , ja da hatte ich eine Menge Fehler eingebaut. Ihr Hinweise haben mich zur Lösung geführt. Das war sehr hilfreich!