Insert a Bar

Hello everyone, I have a project with two parts in different time signatures. Now I want to insert a bar or two at the beginning for an intro.
Am I wrong or is there no other way than that I have to erase the time signature points, move the events in the tracks of the amount of bars, that I want to insert and than reinsert new points in the time signature track?


Hello Hello Hello
Is there anybody in there?

I’m here! Just had a look at this. Hope I’ve correctly understood what you’re trying to do but doesn’t clicking on the +/- buttons in the Signature Data Points column do what you’re after?

Hi @seasonsoftime

Please take a look at the clip below to learn how to quickly insert bars in a Cubasis project.

Hope that helps!


I’m guessing that seasonsoftime knows how to move tracks to insert a bar. His problem seems to be that Signature Data Points aren’t moved along with the tracks. I just used the+/- buttons to manually move them when I tried his issue out of curiousity.

Hi @dobidicus

Since the topic was titled “Insert a Bar”, I’ve described the steps how to do it. But you’re correct, moving existing tempo/signature points can be easily moved from within the “Data Points” editor in the “Inspector”.

To find out more, how to use the new Tempo/Signature track in Cubasis 3.7 the tutorial below might be of additional help (as well as the chapter in the help).


Hi Lars,

as i tried to move the points where the time signature changes Cubasis crashed several times. I didn‘t find out why. Also the view of the project after restarting Cubasis was screwed up.
And, i can‘t move several time changes at once.
So it is still not easy to insert a bar at the beginning of a project, when several time changes are included.
I have to move the Parts in the Tracks and then the points in the time signature track one by one.
Sorry, but that’s not an easy workflow.

Yes, I thought there might be more to it than the impression I got from your posting. Sorry I can’t help further. Hopefully, Lars can replicate your experience for a fix.

Hi @seasonsoftime

Please share more details with us, to allow us further evaluating the problem.

  • Do you use Cubasis for Android or iOS?
  • Which device and OS?

If the problem persist, please share a short clip with us which shows the exact steps leading to the problem.


Hello Lars,

that was not easy to rebuild it. But I made it. First i moved the Parts in the Tracks. Than I changes the time signature of the First Point. Then I changes the time signature of the second Point. Then I moved the last time change in the amount of 1 bar to bar 6 to be able to move the Point from bar 4 to bar 5. And than this Point is not visible anymore, but is recognised While Playback. I want to correct it and try to move the Point back to bar 4. And than the time signature changes to 0/0 and Cubasis crashes. When I reopen the project it is sometimes scrached up. But I was not able to rebuild that failure. This one took me already 2 1/2 Hours. Have fun with it.

Oh, i use an iPad 9. Generation with iOS 18.1.1

Hi @seasonsoftime

Thank you for the repro clip, which will be very helpful for our engineering to reproduce and further evaluate the topic.
