Insert (I) bit me again

I’m rather late reading Daniel’s answer, but the later I am, the more enthusiastic I am. Because pimping up insert mode would be genius!

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Daniel, I like these new future features, as I like most new features. But, to be fair, these don’t really address the main issue discussed, which is the risk of inadvertendly being in insert mode, and doing substantial damage outside of the current viewport. I am certainly in the camp of people who would like to there to be a stronger visual clue that you are in insert mode, than just a change of caret (e.g. the paper colour changes).

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Y’know, I have the same problem with the whole note. I “played” a bunch of notes today that I thought were eighth notes, but alas I had hit the wrong duration key.

Also had the same problem today with the Q (chord) mode, and noticed after several bars that it was all one giant chord.

I have to look at the screen to make sure things are going in right, kinda like look before you leap.

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How about the background being filled with gore when you have insert mode turned on? :wink:


I think @rubberfingers has it right - where does it end? I can remap anything that is particularly problematic for my brain - but its kinda like remembering to put the gear down before you land. There’s been pilots when asked if they heard the gear warning horn who said, “Oh, I wondered what that noise was.”

I think the problem with Insert mishaps is that watching the screen doesn’t necessarily fix it (unless you’re very sensitive to caret changes, which I’m not), because the damage is often done 200 bars later, well off your screen. Anyway, quite a few people reported massive score-damage because of this one single issue. “Stop being stupid” is just not a very useful way to address that (even if we ARE in fact a bit stupid).


Well, the background color could change. That might be a good user option.

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And here’s another one who’s spent the whole afternoon restoring inner voices back to their correct locations. I hope I’ll be twice shy after being once bitten.

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Or the “I” icon turns bright red. Or a red onscreen INSERT shows up somewhere. Something more visible. I’ve been caught by this several times too (probably by typing the shortcut for the Info page (Ctrl+I) but missing the Ctrl key. Then Insert has been engaged. After a second proper attempt to the Info page, I merrily go on for awhile until I realize the error. Hopefully not too long.)

Changing the shortcut key to something more complex seems like a good idea.

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I simply removed the keycommand so it can’t accidentally be engaged. I virtually never use Insert as it’s too dangerous, but if it’s the rare time I need it, I have to manually select it with the mouse.

Simple but perfect. I shall do the same.

If I may suggest the Dorico Programmers: Insert mode should be only valid for chosen measures. Me too had this expierence throughing away four hours if work…

Welcome to the forum, @111172. I refer you to my earlier reply in this very thread.

Good idea to require a mouse click, as long as you don’t do what I have done: a mouse click which I somehow did and failed to notice until I saw the icon lit up bars and bars later. I proved that when they idiot proof something, you get better idiots.