Morning. It may be already answered somewhere but can’t find it.
Is there a simple way to insert a note before the first note of a flow? My actual workaround is tedios and stupid and assume there is some much more simple and elegant way to do this…
Morning. It may be already answered somewhere but can’t find it.
Is there a simple way to insert a note before the first note of a flow? My actual workaround is tedios and stupid and assume there is some much more simple and elegant way to do this…
I don’t use Insert mode much but it could be as simple as turning Insert mode on and then entering a crotchet at the first beat.
The following music should all be pushed forward one beat etc. Someone with more knowledge may give you a better solution.
The problem is that, it comes only AFTER the selected note. What I wanted is BEFORE it…
Could you be a bit more specific about what you want to achieve? E.g. do you want to add a pickup bar, or do you want your existing music to shift?
You can insert a note before the first note of your flow by selecting the first existing note (or rest), start Note input, activate Insert mode and input your desired note:
If you want to insert a pickup bar, have a look at this part of the manual:
or is this note a grace note?
If it works as your demo shows, everything is sloved, will check when I get to my laptop.
The reason I’m searching it is quite weird. I transcribed loads of church songs with non consequitive verse numbers and was struggling with the first syllable what consisted of the verse number AND the first real syllable.
I got a good advice here to add a fake note before, reducing to invisible and adding the verse number as a lyrics to this invisible ‘note before the first real note’. It works really well, but to do this I need to insert a note to all my existing flows. This is what I’m struggling at the moment…
(Hope I wad clear enough for beeing understandable…)
It seems to be possible, but may need some cleaning up w/ Forced Duration. This proof-of-concept is done with a 4/4,5 meter and an initial quarter note suppressed and with stem and notehead hidden.
Yes!!! I made it! Sorry for bothering you…
No bother.
Adding up all heard I made grace note of the one before the first note, what ideal:)
[select the first note] Shift B
(or any other value) enter
I made followings: