inserting & extending bars

There is no change in the fundamental way Dorico handles these kinds of operations in Dorico 2. Dorico still has no concept of a system selection in the way that Sibelius does, and I know this is crucially important to you. It is not our intention to introduce this concept into Dorico: our preferred approach is instead to handle things when you paste in a more sophisticated way instead. However, we have not yet had a chance to spend more time in this area.

Balancing the requests of thousands of different users is very difficult, if not impossible, and if we are unable to sell an update to you because we have not addressed these use cases, I can only hope that we will sell updates to more other users on the basis of the things that we have been able to add.

I’m sorry that I am at the moment unable to provide you with any specifics about when we will be able to adjust the paste behaviour around bar boundaries in such a way that will satisfy your needs, but I do understand them and I expect to satisfy them at some point in the future.

Thank you Daniel for your answer. Of course I do understand these kind of considerations, I think I will skip this upgrade and wait for the things to come (although I don’t like the idea to stop supporting the further development, doesn’t feel good for some reason).