Inserting one Player into one Layout in one Flow

Hello Dorico users
I’m wonder if anyone can advise me on this.
Let’s say I have a project with 30 Flows, 30 Players, and 30 Layouts.
I’m looking at SETUP and I see the Players on the left, the Flows at bottom, and the Layouts at right.
I want to import one Player into one Layout in one Flow. How can I do this, please?
Whenever I try and do it, it imports the Player into every Layout and Flow, then I have to remove it. But I figure I’m missing something.
Thanks for any advice.

You’re not missing anything. Select all flows but the one where you want this player (cmd-click it) and untick the player. Same for Layouts.


Thank you, Marc
What you outline sounds like the process for removing a player.
Does that mean the only way to proceed is to insert it into all flows and layouts, and then remove it?

I understand that you import a 31st player, and that it is added to all Layouts and Flows, which is not what you want. I might have misunderstood!
And yes, I described the most effective way to remove a player from all flows/layouts BUT one.

Thank you, Marc. I’ve been experimenting with this. But I still get my one Player (a new sop part) in all the conductor’s scores. (It’s not a new part. It’s in other flows, but not all flows.) I want to add it to only one more flow in one Layout (a special vocal score).
Is there not a way to import one Player into one Layout of one Flow?

No, when you add a new player, the player is added to all full score layouts, and all flows.

However, you can right-click on the player in the Players panel and from the context menu choose Flows > Remove Player From All Flows, then simply re-add the player back to the one flow where you want to see them.


Even faster than my previous workflow. Adopted!

Thank you both. I’m still following this up.
So I have a player called Sop/Alto. It features in several Layouts, inc. orch scores and vocal scores, as well as its own bespoke Layout.
I want to remove it from one Flow in my Conducting Score Layout.
So I go to Setup, I select the appropriate Flow at the bottom of the screen, then I unclick the Player in the LH Players column.
I get the message “Removing a player from a Flow will also delete all its music in that Flow. Do you want to continue?”
But I don’t want to delete all its music in that flow. I want that Player to remain in the vocal scores. I just don’t want it in the conducting score.
Is there no way to remove a Player from one Flow of a Layout without deleting all its music in that Flow for every Layout?

Players are either in flows, or they’re not. Players are either in a Layout, or they’re not. If the Player is in the Flow, and the Flow is in the Layout, then the Player is in the Layout.

One workflow that answers your original question:

  1. In Setup mode, create an Empty-handed Player. (E.g. Press Escape when the Instrument selector comes up.)
  2. The Empty player will not disrupt your existing layout. You can then remove it from the Flows that you don’t want it in.
  3. Now assign an instrument.

Thanks @benwiggy I’m trying to get my head round this. None of it seems very intuitive, tho maybe that’s just my lack of intuition.
When you say “answers your original question”, do you mean the question at the top of the page from two weeks ago?