would like to have inserts(plugins) rack (like studio one concept) that contains all plugins inserted in a channel, and the plugins rack will follow selected track as the “channel settings” window follows selected tracks.
Edit: actually wavelab has also the same “insert plugin rack” i’m talking /thinking about !
Its should be (as I see it.)like The channel settings window,where you move to different channel it follows… So maybe a kind of insert floating rack is needed like in studio one, to avoid popping all plugins Gui at ones… I cant count how many times I tweaked the wrong plugin of other channel,and need to open and close plugins just to move from channel to channel,lot of clicking… So I think a special option for “mixing mode” to have rack plugin container following track could help workflow speed and mistakes.
8 years since this FR post (and many other users posted FR for the same)
while Cubase 13 has nice sets of features to reduce clicks when mixing and editing, this one is still a huge workflow breaker.
we still have to in Cubase 13 to always chase those plugins GUI by opening and closing them all the time, and as Steinberg barely adds any new features to Cubase’s version life cycle, should we wait at least 1 or 1.5 years to implement this ?(if it makes it to C14)
so please consider solve this big obstacle when mixing !
Add tabbed plugin window, with option to follow track selection, and by default when open a plugin the other opened one (if any)should be closed , and if necessary to open 2nd or more plugins GUI ,they can be opened with key modifier and click.
stop this chasing game for opening and closing plugin all the time, its insane workflow for todays DAW standards and amount of tracks.
we deserve it also for cubase 13, most modern DAW have it for a good reason, please consider adding it to C13 life cycle !