Our school has a computer music lab with 20 computers, and we’re currently running Finale (RIP) for our theory and composition classes. We want to try out the free Dorico SE in the lab with our students, and if all goes well, then purchase the full Dorico Pro for all the computers.
I’m trying to install Dorico SE on all the computers, but I’m getting stuck at the activation limit of only 3 computers. Other than creating a bunch of new email addresses and a bunch of new Steinberg accounts (this seems absurd for free software), how can I get Dorico SE installed on our 20 computers so our students can try it out before committing to purchasing Dorico Pro for the whole lab?
We don’t have a standard multi-user license for Dorico SE, but we can manually adjust the number of seats in a license. @eric.anderson, I’ll ask a colleague who has that superpower to increase the number of activations in your Dorico SE license, if you send me a private message telling me the Steinberg ID account you’re using for your lab.
Thank you so much Daniel! My Steinberg ID is eric.anderson@verona.k12.wi.us and we’re wanting to install SE on 20 lab computers. I appreciate your help with this!