Instantly route many many tracks to same FX send?

I know with the routing, if we hold ALT+shift in the mixer, the Q-link button is highlighted, and we can instantly route all selected channels to wherever we want…

What about sends though? I’d like a way to instantly add about 40-50 identical sends - so all channels are going to the same FX channel. How can I do this? The ALT+shift doesn’t work for FX sends.


well working here :

  1. If you already have created your FX Track : select all your audio tracks then put Q-link on and then in your sends select your FX track in one of your audio tracks selected.

  2. If you don’t have created your FX Tracks : Select all your audio tracks then right clic on one of the audio track and clic on "Add FX Track to the selected tracks.

Thanks - I’ll try again when I get back to the studio… Maybe I was doing something wrong.



You could also enable this preferences: Connect Sends automatically for each newly created Channel (from the VST group). This could help, when you will create a new tracks.